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January 23, 2018

What’s an easy differentiator? - Freight Visibility


Competition in the trucking industry has never been fiercer than it is right now. With the threat of automation looming, and new regulations regarding ELDs and driver logs, transport companies need to be looking for better ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors. In this regard, some have looked into automating business software and passing along lower costs to clients. The best answer, though, lies in expanding services and adding value for clients. This can be done with freight visibility software.

Freight visibility refers to the ability to extract real-time overview data of all your trucks and be able to supply that information to your clients. This data often includes geo-location, Live ETA, suggested route, delay alerts and more. This information is crucial for companies relying on shipments - yet many of them don’t even know they could be getting it. A lot of businesses that use shipping companies simply trust what their current provider tells them, and are in the dark about emerging technologies that could help them.

By offering freight visibility to your clients, you can provide them with a better solution than your competitors. This is going to differentiate yourself and allow you to win more business and also expand your overall revenue by leading to an increase in customer base. Not only does it increase revenue, but due to smartphone app interfaces, it also makes it easier to get updates on your shipments and make you operationally more efficient. It is a win-win move to use freight visibility technology to help out your clients.

Early adopters in the freight industry have invested heavily in freight visibility technology and other automating software to help improve their companies’ revenue and cash flow. Now you can easily add this capability much more economically and catch up to them immediately. Smartphones are permanently integrated into both our personal and professional lives, so it is important to capitalize on that and use it to your advantage.


For more information on Freight Visibility & TMS Integrations
call our CX North America team at 1.888.270.0482 or by email at info@cxnamerica.com.