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August 09, 2017

How Freight Visibility Can Help Your Company



In today’s business world, technology is used to advancing not only our productivity but also our knowledge of how businesses are run and where we can find improvements. In regards to our businesses, we analyze everything we can - from our inventory systems, CRMs, to website traffic analytics. If you have the ability to keep a close eye on your shipments and collect data in real time, shouldn’t you be taking advantage of that?

Freight visibility is about managing your shipping fleet and knowing where they are at all times. This gives you more accurate delivery estimations so that you can run your business more efficiently and provide a better shipping service to your clientele. Until recently, manufacturers and distributors have been at the mercy of shipping vendors, and needed to take everything on their word that a shipment would be made on time. With freight visibility software, distributors can view your shipments in real-time - revolutionizing the shipping industry.

All of our products are designed to help you increase the overall visibility of your shipping fleets, thereby increasing your data input and allowing you to run your business better. Our newest addition to our freight visibility solutions is our Freight Vision App. Freight Vision is a mobile app that allows you to check in onlaptop-and-mobile-phone-freight-vision-page your shipments at any time, from anywhere on your smart device. It is available on both Android and iOS platforms, and can give you real-time input on deliveries. From the app, you can track shipments, stay in touch with drivers, see if a truck is on time or late, and empower yourself with more knowledge and oversight in your business. This can help you provide more information downstream to those receiving shipments, which adds value into your service.

In addition to our Freight Vision app, we do of course still have our existing solutions, including our platforms for Carriers, Brokers & 3PLs, Shippers and Drivers.


For more information on Freight Visibility & TMS Integrations
call our CX North America team at 1.888.270.0482 or by email at info@cxnamerica.com.
