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September 15, 2017

CX North America Technology to Integrate With the UFOS Freight Management Solution


CX North America is partnering with EM Data Consultants Inc. to bring our technology to their UFOS freight management solution. By doing this, UFOS customers will be able to access real-time customer/carrier freight visibility – bring them up to speed and setting them ahead of the competitive curve. This partnership was finalized on August 4, 2017.

CX North America’s SaaS freight visibility solutions and mobile apps (CX North America Driver Mobile App and Freight Vision Mobile App), help their users with added visibility, agility, efficiency, collaboration and control to their freight management. Our solutions consolidate the data of a carrier’s network so it is accessible on any desktop or mobile device. With this freight management technology users possess precise visibility information regardless of where the freight is along the supply chain and what carrier is shipping it.

Across North America there are hundreds of customers currently using UFOS as their freight operating system of choice. UFOS has a powerful core application, allowing customers to select from over twenty expansion modules that are designed to meet each user’s specific needs. The built-in core functionalities include Rates & Quotes, Internet Tracking and Tracing, Document Management, Performance Reporting and Shipment Tracker. The expansion modules also include UFOS Freight Broker Module, UFOS Trucking Module, UFOS Freight Forwarding and UFOS Warehousing Module, among others.

Overall this partnership will allow those using the UFOS freight management solution with greater freight visibility and more information regarding their shipments. With this added data, they can run their shipment processes and schedules with greater efficiency – saving both time and money.

For more information on Freight Visibility & TMS Integrations
call our CX North America team at 1.888.270.0482 or by email at info@cxnamerica.com.